Walkman Z3 sound mod For all [LP/MM] Devices


The true concept of MusicIncluded All Futures(Latest Versions Till 07/04/2017)

Why choose the Walkman and not Viper or Noozy?
Walkman chose because there are no unnecessary items and settings regarding the sampling of audio. Various Convolvers and settings for various headphones. Take for example a simple person who does not understand these pribludas so he will not be able to adjust the same Viper. Start the Viper and it is a global equalizer unlike the Equalizer Walkman, and not so easy to set it clean and smooth sound from scratch if there are no outsiders IRS samples and frequency response of headphones, which can not be said about Walkman in it everything is simple without unnecessary items and sub-points everything is adjusted in seconds with very in my opinion good sound quality thanks to the technologies:
DSEE - to recover the high frequencies lost when the file is compressed;
Clear Bass - improved low-frequency reproduction and reduction of distortion at high                        volume;
Clear Stereo - for improved channel separation, which provides exceptionally clear                                sound.
Yes, and what can I say! Licenses for the best sound and equipment associated with photos. Audio and videobelong to Sony.
And yes Sony Walkman is a whole staff of specialists and developers and not a Chinese in the brakits like the Viper

!!Important Note!!

Before installing always make sure that you have 70 MB free space in System


Installion Instruction!!

  • Make sure there is 70 mb free space in system.
  • Copy the downloaded walkmanZ3.zip to SD Card.
  • Reboot to recovery. 
  • Flash walkman.zip as we flash other roms. 
  • wipe dalvik and cache.
  • Reboot the device. 


Ahmed Nasser HK 

Download:- WalkmanZ3.zip 

Walkman Z3 sound mod For all [LP/MM] Devices Walkman Z3 sound mod For all [LP/MM] Devices Reviewed by Unknown on April 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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